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Calling all mums: the best hobbies for busy women

When you’re a busy mum either at home or at work, an hour or so of “me time” can feel like a precious yet unobtainable commodity. Whether you feel like you’re always driving from place to place or you simply don’t have any time left over after you’ve ironed the children’s uniforms and packed everyone’s lunchboxes, being a mum is basically a full-time job in itself. Fear not, though: despite the fact that there are plenty of pressures on your time, you can still carve out space for a hobby or two if you try hard enough. By selecting pastimes that are flexible in nature and that can be pursued no matter how much or how little time you have, there are lots of ways that you can do something for yourself. Here are some hobbies that you can get started with – even if time is precious.


Reading is a great way to occupy yourself: not only does it offer you the chance to enjoy a little bit of escapism, but it also helps you improve your brain function. However, as a busy mum, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever find the time to enjoy books. Whether you’re always driving around in the car from A to B or you’re simply too busy running errands at home or work, a book is probably the last thing on your mind.

However, by downloading some audiobooks (from websites such as All You Can Books or similar others), you can easily “read” some books no matter where you are. By plugging your headphones in and listening while you iron, for example, you can crunch through books without having to even turn a single page.

Online gaming

While gaming may seem like something that just the men do, it’s possible for women to also make the most of game culture. Many women celebrities enjoying playing a game from time to time: it’s believed that actress Mila Kunis, for example, plays World of Warcraft. While you can definitely get stuck into the famous ones if you’d like to, there are lots of other options. Word games can help you keep your brain sharp, and casino gaming offers you the chance to win some extra money to put towards a family holiday.


This is a very popular and relaxing hobby that can not only bring relaxation and comfort to your loved ones but could also double up as a little side hustle that you could sell Etsy or Amazon. Quilting is stitching three layers of fabric either using a needle or sewing machine to create a cozy quilt for chairs, beds, and other furniture around the house. All you need is a quilting cutting mat, fabric, thread, needle/sewing machine, and your imagination!


While weeding the lawns and planting bulbs might not be the most glamorous of hobbies, it’s a rewarding one all the same. It’s also ideal for those who are around the house a lot: you’ll be able to pop out to the garden in between other tasks such as doing the laundry, so it’s an ideal creative outlet for a busy mum who’s short on time.

Having a hobby isn’t something that’s reserved for those who are child free or who enjoy the luxury of nannies and childminders. If you’re a busy mum, then you can carve out time to enjoy these flexible pursuits no matter whether you stay at home or head out to work. Whether you’d prefer an audiobook or an online game, a hobby that’s all your own is just around the corner.