Health and Medicine

How To Cope with Menopause: Everything You Ought to Know

Menopause is a natural phase among women in their mid to late 40s. Some of the common symptoms of menopause are the likes of hot flashes, mood swings and extreme fatigue although this might vary. The hormonal changes during menopause means that you might also become more susceptible to conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity.

Therefore, during menopause, it is important to focus on both your physical and mental well-being. Simple yet effective steps like staying active with regular exercise, eating nutritious meals, finding ways to manage stress, and ensuring sufficient sleep can go a long way in easing symptoms and making the transition smoother. Additionally, you might want to seek guidance and support from the Best Gynecologist in Dubai (assuming that’s where you are). This is essential as the doctor can offer you personalized advice and assistance, addressing any specific concerns and providing comprehensive care throughout your menopausal journey.

Furthermore, with a few simple steps, you can manage the symptoms of menopause and still thrive during this stage of life. Here are some effective strategies to help you navigate menopause more comfortably.

Exercise regularly

Weight gain is a common during the menopause because your metabolism is slower. Your stress levels might also skyrocket because you are overwhelmed with all the changes your body is experiencing. Exercise could help you maintain an ideal body weight while reducing stress and anxiety. You could start light by walking or jogging before you advance to weight training, which could keep issues like osteoporosis at bay and improve your metabolism.

Drink plenty of water

Episodes of hot flashes could cause you to sweat excessively. Therefore, replenishing your body and replacing the lost fluids would be wise. Drinking lots of water helps you cool down and regulate your internal body temperature. We recommend you drink at least 48 ounces of water per day.

Seek social support

Even though menopause is inevitable, you might have difficulty adapting to the new changes in your body. The raging mood swings could also make you feel like locking yourself in your room. However, now is not the time to be alone and isolated. The best thing to do would be to talk to your friends and loved ones in a similar situation and ask them how they are coping. You could also ask them for life hacks to navigate symptoms like hot flashes and bloating.

Do your Kegels

Unfortunately, you might experience urinary incontinence as you approach menopause. Though this condition can be embarrassing and pretty disheartening, there are some steps you could take to gain control of your life. An excellent way to strengthen your pelvic muscles is to perform Kegel exercises as often as possible. One great thing about Kegels is that you can perform them at your work desk, on the way home or while watching a movie without anyone noticing. Kegel exercises could also improve sensation during sexual intercourse.

Consider hormone replacement therapy

The transition from pre-menopause to menopause results from a shift in your hormones. Even though menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life, you don’t have to suffer the vicious symptoms that come with it. An effective way to relieve the hormone-related symptoms of menopause would be to consider testosterone replacement therapy. After a consultation and getting the right tests, your physician will create a personalized treatment plan to suit your needs.

Use lubricants

Just before and during menopause, you might start to notice that you feel pain during sexual intercourse. The reason for feeling pain is because the glands in your vaginal walls are not secreting as much fluids as they used to, and they are also becoming thinner and more susceptible to tears. To prevent further damage and to help you find pleasure in watching something like the Tube v Sex videos as well as having enjoyable intercourse with your partner, we recommend you use water-based lubricants that wash off easily.

Avoid spicy and hot foods

If you enjoyed hot and spicy foods when you were younger, you might want to stick to milder foods as you approach menopause. Spicy foods might raise your body temperature and trigger a severe hot flash that will leave you uncomfortable until it passes. The hot flash might also last longer than usual.

Dress in layers

It doesn’t take much for your body to overheat during menopause. Suppose you experience unexpected hot flashes when you are dressed like an Eskimo at the North Pole. For instance, if you wear a heavy cotton turtleneck with no undershirt underneath it, you will be forced to leave it on until you get home. Therefore, we advise you to dress in layers of light clothing for extra comfort. Dressing in layers will also allow you to remove clothing when you start to feel the onset of a hot flash.

Keep your bedroom cool

It is not uncommon for women past the forty-year mark to experience insomnia. Lack of adequate sleep could leave you tired and groggy the next day when you should be as fresh as a daisy. Keeping your bedroom cool at night could help alleviate your insomnia, allowing you to catch those much-needed Zs. Experts recommend you maintain the temperature in your bedroom below 65 degrees.

Final remarks

Menopause seems scary, but you should perhaps take comfort in knowing that many women before you have passed through the same stage and emerged successful. You can take steps to manage some of the symptoms that come with this phase. You can seek medical help if some of the menopause symptoms are pegging back the quality of your life.