Children Education

Is My Child Struggling in School?

One of our biggest dreams as parents is to give our kids the best education. We spend a great deal of time going to find out more about schools catchment areas so they can get to the best place for their future, as well as helping them with homework and extra curriculum activities. Maintaining constant communication with teachers is also part of the process. All these efforts are geared towards helping our children learn and pass exams. But challenges are part of the journey. At some point, we receive a call from the school. The first time we are summoned by a teacher triggers so much anxiety. It reminds us of the old days when we were schooling or failed a certain subject. Though unpleasant, this is not time to fight with teachers or blame ourselves. We should turn around our thoughts and focus on the child instead. Such a practice can be the turning point in our parenting journey.

What Shows My Child is Having Trouble in Class?

Our little ones may not be forthcoming about academic performance and sometimes get bored. So, what shows they have a problem at school? These telltale signs call for immediate attention. The earlier we try to solve the issues, the better. Here are some examples:

  • The Child spends too much time on small homework
  • Their attitude changes
  • Refusal to wake up early for school
  • Teachers reporting bad behavior
  • Refusing to discuss anything to do with school
  • They are quieter than before
  • Trouble remembering concepts learned in class
  • Poor grades
  • Fighting with other kids and showing aggression
  • They complain about headaches or stomach ache

We Are Not Bad Parents

Sometimes we are quick to question our parenting skills when we notice our kids struggling at school. It is wrong to assume that a young one will follow in our footsteps. Even our own blood can take a unique direction. We may have been good students and loved to learn. But our kids are different human beings. The fact that we have taken them to school shows we are offering the right child support.

So, it is never about us but the children themselves when they struggle at school. The reason could be anything; perhaps they are unable to follow the classes and what they’re being taught. Or, maybe it is something more serious, like not getting along with peers or getting bullied. These things can impact mental health in a very negative way. In most cases, parents tend to remove their kids from that school if they are getting bullied. Fortunately, there are plenty of schools they can transfer their kids to, especially if the current school does not take matters like bullying seriously. They can instead enroll their kid in one of the best private schools in jacksonville fl or anywhere else, where they might feel more comfortable and be able to grow.

However, it’s important to note that changing schools is not a permanent solution. Not addressing the underlying issue and merely attempting to escape it can have serious consequences for the child’s mental and physical well-being. If they were being bullied in their previous school, it’s very likely that they carry some trauma associated with those experiences. This trauma can lead to anxiety or panic disorders, which can, in turn, affect their ability to socialize with their peers and feel comfortable at school.

Anxiety and panic disorders can be debilitating and have the potential to cause serious damage to one’s self-confidence, especially in the case of children, where the impact can be even more profound. To support them through these challenging times, it’s crucial to acknowledge that they may require the assistance of a mental health professional who is capable of providing effective anxiety and panic disorder treatment. Such professionals can help them cope with their symptoms and overcome their challenges.

That said, the reason for their struggle could be their own lack of motivation as well. And as parents, it might be difficult for us to accept that our child is at fault. However, we should put personal feelings aside and focus on what is good for the child. Before heading to meet the teacher, let us keep in mind that it is not about us. It is about our sons and daughters. The truth is kids can stress the teacher as well. The important thing is to find a way for them to work in harmony.

Teachers Are Our Friends Not Enemies

Whenever we are called for a meeting, the agenda is about working with the school rather than accusing teachers. There is no point in blaming the principal or other pupils. Being realistic about our child’s needs is the best attitude. Initially, it is easier to fume about the school failing to notice a bad behavior sooner. We should be grateful that they are even concerned. Partnering with school administrators is one key to creating success. However, if we are struggling to get along with teachers, a third party can intervene. This could be a school counselor, coach, or principal. The mediator should advocate for our kids more effectively than we would normally. They should be willing to communicate with us when they notice any changes or signs our kids need help.

The Curriculum Is Just Fine

School programs are defined by experts, and that is why many students excel in learning. A school environment is designed to meet the learning styles of our children while motivating them to be productive. So, the systems in place have never been bad. However, a few personalities find school curriculums to be boring and repetitive. Some of our children prefer reading outside of normal classes and interacting with other kids. Others daydream while the teacher is explaining a topic. To cater to their imagination, there is room for creativity so that our children can pursue their interests. Otherwise, there is no place for any kid who hates the educational process.

The key to helping our kids perform well in school is to be fully involved in their lives. Children are quick to note how supportive we are at home. Being part of our kids’ success is the greatest parental achievement we can have.