
Keeping Yourself Healthy During Pregnancy

Pregnancy usually demands some changes in your lifestyle not only to suit you but also the baby. You have to change what you eat to get enough nutrition for both of you. With time, you also need to reduce your usual physical activities like looking for rompers in the mall to keep the baby safe and prevent too much exhaustion. These and many other changes are all necessary for making sure that your child grows healthily, and that you are also emotionally and physically ready to nourish and deliver them. Here are a few ways you can keep yourself healthy when pregnant:


A proper diet is essential in not only having a smooth and healthy pregnancy but also for general good health. Our bodies draw the strength to grow, work properly, heal, fight off diseases and keep up healthy from the food that we eat. It is, therefore, said that we are what we eat.

Pregnancy calls for a significant change in diet so you can cater for both you and your growing baby. You will need to take a balanced diet complete with all essential vitamins required for the healthy formation of the baby.

You will also need to stay away from toxic foods and drinks such as alcohol and cigarettes as well as processed foods. These have been known to cause problems with the baby’s development and could even cause fatal complications.

It is advisable to get in touch with a certified dietician, nutritionist or your doctor so you can draw a healthy meal plan. They will also advise you on what to avoid, and recommend any supplements if necessary.


Just like a balanced diet, water is a very essential component of any healthy diet. It is said that our bodies are 70% water, and even so when you are pregnant.

Hydration is crucial during pregnancy. It is important in providing the baby with nourishment, seeing as they feed in liquid form. It is also critical in forming the amniotic fluid in which the baby is suspended to prevent injuries and allow unhindered development.

You will also need water to ensure a healthy pH balance which is important for the baby. Staying hydrated is equally important in keeping yourself healthy. You will need to replace all the fluids you lose in order to keep your body working at its optimal capacity. Think of good skin and that glow.


As soon as you realize that you are pregnant, you should make a point of visiting your doctor. They will confirm this and draft a plan for your check-ups up till your delivery, and some for then.

Prenatal check-ups are essential in making sure that the baby is growing as they are supposed to. It helps in identifying any problems and solving them early enough to prevent complications that may affect both you and the baby later. The doctor checks the baby’s position, their heartbeat and their activity to make sure that all is as it should be.

You can also consult with the doctor during these check-ups. Let them know how your symptoms are progressing, and if you have been experiencing any problems. For instance, severe symptoms of morning sickness could be a sign of an underlying condition, and you may not know that until you tell the doctor about it, and they conduct the appropriate tests.

During these check-ups, the doctor may perform various tests, follow up in your diet, prescribe some medicines and supplements or refer you to a specialist. You should, therefore, never skip your check-ups. This is also the perfect time to go on sites like to find a pediatrician that can help care for you and your baby after they are born.


Your emotional health is an essential determinant of how healthy you and your baby will be. Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes, both physical and mental, that may affect your emotional health. It can all be very overwhelming for some women, especially those who haven’t been pregnant before or those who are going through other stress factors.

Your mental health has a direct effect on the development of your baby and the progress of your pregnancy. Depression, anxiety, poor sleep and stress have a negative impact on your pregnancy. They will not only hinder the healthy growth and development of your baby but may also affect your emotional stability and general physical health.

For instance, depression may translate to poor eating habits which may cause dangerous weight loss, remarkable weight gain or ingestion of substances highly toxic to the baby and the mother.


Here are some helpful tips for maintaining good emotional health during and after pregnancy:

  1. Talk to someone. Talk about your feelings, your problems and your fears with someone. They don’t necessarily have to give you advice, listening can work very well.
  2. See a professional. Make a point of seeing a psychologist or trained professional who can help you navigate through your depression and advise you on remedies that work.
  3. Seek support. You can get emotional support from friends, family, mom and your neighbourhood and even support groups for pregnant women.
  4. Ask for help. When you feel like you are being overwhelmed by things around you, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask your boss to let you go and prepare for the baby. Ask your partner to get someone to do chores around the house or let your partner prepare the baby hats, clothes, shoes and other baby essentials. Just ask for help when you need it.

In conclusion, your health, when pregnant, translates directly to the health of your baby. If you take good care of yourself, your baby will be healthy too. The best way to do this is by eating well, staying hydrated, attending your check-ups religiously and watching your emotional health. If you can, try some exercise too – it prevents dangerous weight gain and improves circulation, which in turn gives the baby more nourishment.