Between extracurricular activities, school, and work you may not feel connected to your kids. Here are five strategies to use if you text your kids more than you talk or yell at them more than play with them.
Utilize the Five Ls.
They are learning, loyalty, love, laughter, and leadership. Children learn their behavior, skills, and values from their parents. Select appropriate television programs that guide children into the outside world.
As children focus on friends, appearance, and fashion, your input as they explore and attempt new things is vital. The goal is to develop self-esteem and help them understand healthy ways to accepts and view themselves and other. They need guidance when making reasonable changes such as contact lenses and losing weight. Girls especially will appreciate gifts that give them opportunities to experiment with new looks.
Do Crafts with Your Kids
Get out the craft box and be crafty and creative with the kids. The time spent with your children is filled with creativity and community that benefits both the children and parents as they work together to create something new. Start buying items to make a craft kit for your children. These items are particularly nice gifts for 9 year old girls.
Spend Time Alone with Each Child
It can be challenging to find one-on-one time with each child if you have more than one. Choose something each child enjoys and spend time with that child only, as you do the activity together. Kits are available that are meant for kids to build and explore new areas.
The child will do most of the activity but can talk to you about it and ask for help if needed. If a child becomes interested in something, you can be on the lookout to help collect related objects. Giving a child something that you know is of particular interest to him or her is an acknowledgment of them and a sign that you care.
Develop the Art of Giving Advice
You should respond when a child asks for advice. Offer guidance and ideas if the child is open to them. While Mom and Dad know best, it is essential to show the child respect. Giving the child options and letting her choose is better than demanding things be done your way.
Children will become more active in adult task participation. They will be part of doing household chores, planning activities with the family, and making decisions pertinent to them. Listen to their ideas, assess what they want to do, and allow them to try their solutions if it can be done safely. Be there to support, help and explain when you have to censor or delay their ideas.
Play with Your Kids
You can sing songs, play board games, practice a sports technique with them, or play with dolls. Let the kids see your playful, silly side. Young kids love playing any game with their parents. Older kids may enjoy computer games, chess, or playing cards. There are computer kits, art supplies, and science exploration kits available if you are at a loss of what activities your child might enjoy.
Repeating the five Ls, learning, loyalty, love, laughter, and leadership is an excellent way to summarize how to deepen your relationship with your children. Spending time with them is the biggest gift you can give. Some of these suggestions may help plan activities.