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Tell-tale signs it might be time to change your family home

The saying goes, “An Englishman’s home is his castle” – and for good reason. Today, the average UK family spends around 23 years in the same property – a far cry from the 1980s economic boom and stable markets when we were inclined to change home on average every eight years. Nonetheless, our personal circumstances rarely stand still and, while home upgrades or extensions are always an option, there are times when our changing situations necessitate a move. It mostly depends on what needs doing and how many improvements as well. For example, perhaps you have a leaky roof and you need it repaired. You could contact a company like to help talk through your options. Because if the rest of your life is comfortable in your home and its location, there is no point relocating to somewhere else when it is worth it to fix the problem.

Below are just a few tell-tale signs that it might be time to consider moving home.

You get a brooding feeling tat your home is too small – or too big

The single most common reason for changing home is space – either too much, or too little. As we progress through life, our needs, interests and available income change. Perhaps more importantly, when people settle with a significant other, they often find they need more space – and starting a family can completely upend what you need from a home. Later in life, when the kids fly the nest, you may also begin to feel you no longer the same amount of space in your home.

In truth, there are multiple justifications why your home might start feeling too small or too big – but, whatever the reason, when the space in a home just doesn’t feel right, it’s probably time to check for available property for sale.

You begin yearning for a shorter commute or school run

The average person in the UK spends more time at work than they do with their family or friends and work rates here are higher than in most other parts of Europe. The typical UK worker spends 42.5 hours per week working compared to the European standard of 41.2 hours. With so much time already spent working, enduring a long commute to work can hugely extend your time away from home – and is often more than enough reason to think about changing home.

Also, being close to your kids’ school can help reduce the time spent shuttling them to and from lessons, sports and other extra-curricular activities – plus it will likely improve their social contact by living closer to their friends.

You’re no longer interested in doing DIY home improvements

A sure-fire sign that you’re getting tired of your home environment is finding you no longer have the inclination to make improvements. When we first move into a home, there’s normally an initial flurry of excitement as we try to personalise and put our mark on our surroundings. As with many aspects in life, if you find that early excitement waning, it might be time to think about change.

You start to find your neighbours or neighbourhood unbearable

While we should never let others dictate our lives, living next to troublesome or noisy neighbours can become unbearable. Also, we often find we climb the social strata through our working lives, meaning you might simply have outgrown your neighbourhood and are looking to live somewhere better.

You find you have increased disposable income

Despite changing markets and global uncertainty, property remains one of the most solid and steadfast ways we can invest our money. If you find you’ve come into money (perhaps through a win, inheritance or similar) or have more disposable income due to promotion at work, one of the best ways to remove the temptation of idle spending is to sink the money into your home. You’ll improve your surroundings, enjoy a bigger/better home and all safe in the knowledge you’re investing your money wisely with the greatest chance of a high Return on Investment (ROI).

You want to extend or make changes but can’t get planning permission

In some circumstances, rather than changing home, many people prefer to stay where they are and make home improvements. However, if you find you’re constantly being turned down for the alterations you want to make to your house, you should probably just bite the bullet and buy something more in the image of the changes you wanted to make.

The things you used to enjoy about your home no longer have the same appeal

“A change is as good as a rest”, and often simply swapping your environment by moving home can give you a much-needed energy boost and outlook. It’s often all-too-easy to just accept the status quo and meander our way through life, but if you find things are becoming staid or boring, perhaps a change of home will provide a creative spark. Also, moving home will give you a range of new projects to engage in