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Tips To Sell Your Property More Quickly

With a young, growing family, you may be feeling as though it’s time to put your current home on the market and move to something bigger. Or perhaps you want to move to be in a better school catchment area, or closer to family who will help out with the children and give you all a better quality of life. There are many reasons that families want to move home, and whatever your reason might be, once your property is on the market, you’ll want it to sell quickly so you can get settled in your new home. 

Although hiring a real estate agent from a professional company like finlay brewer could most likely result in a quick sale, no matter how your house looks, there are some things you can do to make it more valuable – read on to find out what they are.

The Exterior 

When was the last time you really looked at the exterior – particularly the front – of your house? You probably walk through the front door and don’t even notice what it looks like anymore, but if you’re selling the property, you should take another look. This is the first thing that potential buyers will see not only when they come to view the property, but before that, when they are browsing online and picking which houses to come and see. If the outside doesn’t look inviting, they might not want to come and see the rest of the house. 

Therefore, it pays to make the outside of your home look attractive. To do this you can:

  • Clean or re-paint the front door
  • Weed the front garden
  • Plant shrubs and flowers
  • Jet wash the path
  • Clean the garage door
  • Clean the windows
  • Fix loose/cracked tiles 

Once this is done, the property will have much more ‘kerb appeal’ and more people should be interested in viewing. 

Freshen Up The Bathroom

Most rooms in the house will be forgiven for looking a little worn and tired, especially if the potential buyers know you have lived there for some time (although it’s always worth adding a coat of paint to make everything look newer and brighter). However, the bathroom is one room where this forgiveness doesn’t usually stretch. 

Although it might cost you some money to do, changing the bathroom to give it a fresher, newer, cleaner look can help you to sell your house, so you should off-set the cost with how much you want to move. 

You don’t have to spend a fortune either. Looking at will give you lots of inspiration about what you can do to make changes that won’t push you over your budget. Of course, if you want to, you can replace the entire bathroom which is always a good move when selling a house as this is the room (along with the kitchen) that can sway someone towards buying or not. 

Small Jobs 

When you have lived somewhere for a while, the small jobs that need doing around the house just don’t feel that important. It might be that a lightbulb needs changing, or that you have a dripping tap that needs fixing, or perhaps you haven’t got a lampshade up in the spare bedroom. These jobs may not be important to you, but they could be to a potential buyer. 

Walk around your home and make a list of all of the little things that need doing, no matter how small, and then work through the list to get them done. Anyone viewing the house will see that they could move straight in and not have to do any work, and that is very tempting.