Parenting Tips

Tools for your Kid’s Social Success

Parents have one thing in common: every parent wishes to raise their child in a way that prepares them for a happy, fulfilled, and productive life. We want our children to come out all-rounded and capable of handling what life throws their way. And having gone through life’s motions, we want to raise socially capable kids. But how do you do it? Which are some of the little things you could do to help your child navigate the social scene better than you did?

Sincere smiles

While you teach your kid to smile freely and openly, see that they are not hesitant to follow you, even if they have crooked or misaligned teeth. If it is their teeth or bite that is holding them back from smiling, you could empathise and provide them with solutions through dental braces in Fort Walton Beach, FL, or wherever you live. A smile might not seem like much, but it could mean the world to your child. When it comes to social interactions, a smile communicates the fact that you’re happy to meet or see the other party.

There are other solutions to hesitant smiles as well. Nowadays, many people are utilizing transparent braces, which can be availed at a nearby dental clinic. It may be ideal to take them to Dr. Peter Brawn or someone similar, who can assist them with Invisalign or a similar solution, so that they can have their natural smiles restored. Needless to say, a smile is an important, kind gesture that makes people feel loved and at ease.

Besides telling your child about the importance of smiling, it’s important to teach them about genuine and fake smiles. We’ve all faked smiles in our lives, but that doesn’t mean telling your child to put on a fake smile just because they have to interact with other people. You need to remind your kids that a genuine smile can be differentiated from a disingenuous smile. One of the simplest ways of teaching kids how to be sociable is by asking them to smile when they greet people. It’s also good manners to smile, no?

Positive body language

Your kids should learn from an early age that their bodies communicate more about what they feel and think than their words. Their little bodies communicate all the time, and someone can tell whether they are happy or sad, just by looking at their body language. The face, shoulders, eyes, sitting/ standing posture, and facial expressions all tell more about what they feel, even when they don’t talk.

Remind your child that when they learn about body language (theirs and of people around them), they can communicate well and even escape unsafe situations and environment.

Learning about body language can be as simple as watching a TV show, perhaps one with real-life characters, and asking your child to tell you what they think the characters feel. Mute the sound for this. You should also talk to your children about specific facial and body expressions and what they infer. Emotions like anger, happiness, sadness, or nervousness can be seen on the face and the rest of the body.

Eye contact

While it’s not easy to make eye contact, it’s an important trait that shows respect and confidence. It also conveys engagement in their interactions. As any real estate agent of homes in Burlington Ontario will tell you, eye contact has closed more deals than one can count. It’s a tool that few people have mastered, and if your child learns it early, they will have few socially awkward moments, and they will also get things done.

Teach your kids about eye contact by asking him/her to hold eye contact with their sibling or you for about 15 seconds. Remind them that it’s okay to blink, otherwise it will look like they’re staring.

Don’t forget to teach your kids the value of listening (open body language, engaged facial expressions, eye contact, and asking questions), hard work (team work and collaboration), and respect (titles, greetings, and gratitude).