About Our Family

I am Meredith, mum of four and 27 years of age. You might think I’m crazy, I know! Lots of women don’t even start a family until they reach their thirties, but hey,  we wanted to do things a little different!

As you can imagine, our house is noisy and busy. To say being a parent of four small kids is full-on is quite an understatement.  All day, every day, someone is hanging off me or looking for something, though I must say, I have had to put some structure on our life and start teaching the kids to do little jobs for themselves.

They are really sweet when they help each other, though naturally, they also fight and wrestle and have tonnes of fun. In the evening, when they’ve all finally settled and are sound asleep, Brian and I are stunned by the silence and just smile.

Mum Meredith

Everyone says parenthood changes you, and however much of a cliche this might seem, it is also true. While you grow as a person and gradually learn how to be a parent, somewhere along the way, you leave your own needs just slightly off-centre. The kids do take centre-stage – as they should. I remember years before becoming a mum, speaking to a friend with three kids. She told me, how kids are not really interested in their parents’ little moods and worries, just grab their attention and take up pole position. I didn’t quite understand at the time, but I sure do now!

I love being a mum! No day resembles another. Kids possess an unrivalled energy, creativity, and sense of adventure and fun. Love and laughs are in abundant supply, and there really is no limit to the spirited vibrancy they possess.

As for all the chores like cooking, washing, cleaning, and all the other menial housework – well, to be honest, I could do without each and every one of them.

Wife Meredith

Brian and I make a great team. He is creative and full of ideas and I love life and throw myself into everything I try. When we got together, we both wanted to have a few kids straight away.  Brian is a photographer and provides for the family while I stay home to be with the kids. Once a week, we make time for ourselves, get a babysitter and go out. At home, it can be difficult to get quality one-on-one time. Both of us relish the weekly “us-time” and simply need it.

Me Meredith

When life settled down after the birth of our fourth little one, I was a little tired and cranky. I wasn’t
quite sure what the matter was until I suddenly realised how bored I was! While my entire being had been consumed by motherhood, my brain had been badly neglected! Between washing, changing nappies, cooking, feeding the kids and all the other jobs, I hadn’t had much intellectual stimulation or scope for self-expression.

Obviously, I discussed this issue with Brian, who, in his creative brilliance, suggested setting up a website and blog and document our life together.

The Website

And so it came to life! I am no longer bored and have greatly enjoyed the entire process of telling tales about our family, exchanging ideas with other parents and using my brain!

On this website, you will find lots of family stuff, interesting, funny, sad, thought-provoking. It has also brought me in contact with lots of great people, and I am sure I will meet countless more. Just like the kids, this website is growing and developing and a joy to behold.